As Ekinciler Iron and Steel., we have placed environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles at the centre of our business model in order to build a sustainable future.


The innovative production processes and environmentally friendly technologies we apply at our facilities in İskenderun take a driving position in our industry's efforts to reduce its carbon footprint. We procure our main and auxiliary raw materials from national and international suppliers from the free market. In order to effectively implement traceability in the sustainable supply chain, we meet our purchasing transactions from main suppliers. We ensure traceability in sustainability impacts from the loading port in our scrap purchasing activities and from the main suppliers in our auxiliary raw materials.


By investing in renewable energy sources and continuously improving them through our circular economy practices, we contribute to the conservation of natural resources and environmental sustainability.


We actively participate in social responsibility projects to add value and improve the welfare of our society and our employees. We realise projects in the fields of education, health and social development, and we endeavour to take into consideration not only the needs of today but also those of future generations.


With our transparent and accountable management approach, we aim to create value and build trust for all our stakeholders.


Ekinciler Iron and Steel. will continue to work for a greener and fairer world by adopting the approach of integrating sustainability into the centre of our business model.

At Ekinciler Iron and Steel., we have placed environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles at the centre of our business model to build a sustainable future.

The innovative production processes we implement at our plant in İskenderun, the pearl of the Mediterranean, take a driving role in our industry's efforts to reduce its carbon footprint through environmentally friendly technologies.